

        基督教博雅學系成立於民國一O一年臺北基督學院於教育部立案之際。創始人賈嘉美博士從Hampton Sydney College一所博雅學院畢業,並任教於另一所知名博雅學院Wheaton College,當賈嘉美博士於1959年創立美國基督教効力會基督書院時,即有意將之設立為一博雅學院。自臺北基督學院以宗教學校之名義立案開始,許多人以為這是一所神學院或學生們在本校要習得一神學學位,事實並非如此。基督教博雅學系的主要目標是提供學生更多的通識課程,並協助其發展在智慧與知識方面的深度與廣度,例如溝通能力、思辨能力、如何與他人同工以及有創意的解決問題等,課程目標是預備學生們進入社會以及繼續深造。本校基督教博雅課程設計就如同一顆大樹一樣,核心課程就好是強壯樹幹,音樂、英文與傳播主修就如同樹枝般向上延伸,讓學生們於畢業時獲得基督教學士學位。 
基督教博雅學系不僅傳遞知識給學生,也教導他們如何將從神而來的智慧應用在他們的生活上,並磨練出一獨特的品格,這不僅是老師的教學目標,更是全體 願為此目標付出的基督教教職員們一致努力的方向。在這一個不大的學系裡,我們歡迎、關心並以符合聖經原則的方式培育每一位來到這裡的學生。


Introduction to Department of Christian Liberal Arts

The Department of Christian Liberal Arts was established in 2012 when Christ’s College was registered with the Ministry of Education as Taipei Christ’s College. As a graduate of Hampton Sydney College, a liberal arts college in the USA and also having taught at Wheaton College, a well known Christian liberal arts college in the USA, it was Dr. James Graham’s intention to establish a Christian Liberal Arts College when he founded Christ’s College in 1959.  Since Christ’s College is registered as a religious college, some people assume it is a seminary or that students at Christ’s College are perusing a theology or religion degree but this in not the case. The courses in the Christian Liberal Arts Department are aimed at imparting broad general knowledge and developing general intellectual capacities, like the ability to communicate, to think critically, to cooperate with other people, and to find creative solutions to problems. The courses are designed to help students acquire the knowledge and skills needed to work in the marketplace or to go on to graduate study.  The Christian liberal arts curriculum at Christ’s College is like a tree – the broad trunk of the tree is the Christian liberal arts core and the branches of the tree are professional majors in Music, English and Communication that will lead to a Christian Bachelor of Arts Degree.
The Christian Liberal Arts Core is the heart of the Christian Liberal Arts curriculum.  At Christ’s College this core includes as least one Bible or faith related course for each semester that a student is enrolled in the college.  It also includes a large number of English courses, since students in Taiwan typically need more help in developing English language skills when they reach college than they do in develop Chinese language skills.  It also includes many other arts and sciences courses that are designed to give students a broader understanding of the world in which they must live and work. 
The Christian Liberal Arts Department focuses not only on helping students to advance in their knowledge, but also in helping them attain godly wisdom to apply knowledge and to develop their lives and characters. To help with this development all the faculty and staff in the department are committed Christians who integrate their Christian faith with the subjects that they teach. Although the Christian Liberal Arts Department seeks to enroll as many Christian students as possible, other students are welcomed and encouraged to apply.  These students are welcomed into a small but caring Christian department where they will be nurtured with a variety of Bible courses and other courses that are taught from a Biblical perspective. 
"The value of an education in a liberal arts college is not the learning of many facts but the training of the mind to think which is something that cannot be learned from textbooks." —Albert Einstein